Opal Sun Linkz
Educational Institutionz
Zearch Toolz

- Welcome to Mother's Board
- Alternative to the Davis Community Network.
- Cool Site of the Day
- Need we say more!

- BookWire
- The place to go for access to book related web sites.
- Future Fantasy Bookstore
- U.S. Gazetteer
- Actually this site lets you create maps for any where in the U.S.A, at any scale. Also includes demographic info from the last census.

- Welcome to UC Davis
- Levant cultural multimedia servers
- Access to lots of information on the Middle East.
- Univ. of Nebraska - Lincoln

Electronicz (Our Bread and Butter)
- CAN: Controller Area Network
- The place to look for info in CAN.
- The Controller Network Club
- ODVA - The Open DeviceNet's Vendor Association
- DeviceNet is an outgrowth of CAN, this is the place to go for the complete specification.
- Real-Time Communications with CAN
- Hypertext document.
- Digi-Key Corporation
- Still getting started, you can download sections of the catalog as PDF files, but you can't check on availability. No data sheets.
- Marshall on the Internet
- A better site for data sheets, also provides price and availability for parts they stock.
- Allen-Bradley
- Control and instrumentation for industry. PLC's and other devices, supporting a number of different network protocols.
- Harris Semiconductor
- Good source for data sheets.
- Access HP - Welcome to Hewlett-Packard
- Welcome to Intel
- Microchip Technology
- Source of Opal Sun's favorite microcontrollers, PIC chips.
- Motorola World-Wide-Web Server
- Very good source for data sheets, books and other literature. You can have a decument faxed to you if it is not available as PDF file.
- Welcome to National Semiconductor
- Excellent set of data sheets.
- Welcome to Parallax, Inc.
- Development tools for PIC devces.
- Philips Electronics N.V. Corporate Home Page
- Samtec, Inc.
- EE Times Glossary
- Need to look up an electronics term, look no further.
- EE/CS Mother Site
- Great list of electronicz related zites.
- Electrical Engineering -- Univ. Neb-Lincoln
- Another good resourze.
- Lexicon of Semiconductor Terms
- More definitions, pointed at Harris Semiconductor products.

- Dirty Linen
- Folk/World Music Magazine.
- The Palms Public Playhouse
- The place to go for culture in Davis. Folk, blues, comedy, and other styles in an intimate venue.
- Welcome to Spatula City!
- Need a spatula, this is the place to go.
- Tokyo Food Page

- Census TMS Home Page
- Another link to the Gazeteer.
- Consumer Information Center
- All sorts of useful info.
- Links to other Federal Government Sites

- Welcome to PBS ONLINEŽ
- Newton's Apple
- Another scienze zite.

- The Comic Strip
- Computer News Daily
- Electronic Buyers' News
- Welcome to The Home Office Hub
- Internet Week
- Kathmandu Post
- Mercury Center
- News from Reuters Online
- Sensors Magazine
- TechWeb
- Yahoo - News:International

- DejaNews Research Service
- Search engine.
- Research Links to Other Internet Resources
- Scienze related links.
- Yahoo
- The mother of all Net Linkz.

- NCA Computer Products
- Shop for computer related products.

- Adobe Systems Incorporated Home Page
- Source for Acrobat PDF file viewer. PDF files are the way most data sheets are distributed on the web.
- Welcome to Netscape
- Our favorite browzer.

Davis Community Network
Input and suggestions are always welcome at opalsun@dcn.davis.ca.us
Modified last on Sunday, October 29, 1995 by Opal Sun
Please note that this Zite has absolutely nothing to do with any beverage beginning with the letter zed, we just like the start at the end of thingz.