- Enroll in Safeway's e-scrip
program to have a percentage of your Safeway purchases benefit
Join eScrip now and start making money for Patwin...just
by shopping for groceries! We made close to $10,000 last year through
eScrip. This is the easiest fundraiser we have available to us and
it doesn't involve any soliciting. Here is how it works:
By registering your Safeway Club Card number through eScrip,
every time you shop at Safeway a percentage of your grocery total
cost is donated to Patwin. ESI (eScrip) automatically tracks your
purchase totals and calculates the profits. You only need to enter
your Club number (or phone number) when you shop at Safeway. That's
it! There is no additional cost to you.
Please join the other Patwin families who use eScrip in one of
two ways:
Register your Safeway Club Card number on-line at www.escrip.com
Bring your Safeway Club Card to the Fall Social Pizza
Dinner and we'll do the rest!
Be sure to join today so we can enjoy the benefits the profits
can bring to Patwin!
one more thing…
Do you eat? Of course you do! Where do you go to the market? Safeway,
Albertsons, Ray's, Nugget, Coop and Longs? Did you know that just
by shopping at these stores, you can raise money for Patwin?
By purchasing "Scrip" (gift certificates) to your grocery
store at face value, Patwin will receive 3%-10% of your total purchase
amount. Here's how it works…you order the amount of Scrip
you will spend on groceries every other Wednesday by filling out
the order form in the weekly newsletter. We (PTA) purchase the Scrip
from the merchants at a discounted rate, thus making a profit from
your purchase.
Scrip is just like cash - and it cost you no more than what you
are already spending on your family's groceries.
We've made it easier than ever for you! We will offer Scrip twice
a month, and, new this year, we have order forms available on our
Patwin website or by email (details to come)!
Details....We will have paper Scrip available for the following
merchants: Safeway (new scrip
debit cards this year and can be used in conjunction with eScrip!)...Davis
Food Coop...Ray's Food Place....Longs Drugs....Lamppost...and
other specialty featured Scrip.
Safeway - join eScrip and use the Safeway scrip cards
Albertsons - partnership cards are available,
free of charge. Show your card when you pay for your groceries
at Albertsons and they will automatically track 2% of your expenditures
and send a check to Patwin. Cards are available in the Scrip box
in the office.
Nugget - turn your receipts into the Nugget
envelope in the Scrip box in the office. We get 1% of all purchases
(minus alcohol, cigarettes). Sorry, purchases made by credit card
are not eligible.
Please give Scrip a try. It is the easiest way to support Patwin.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call us. We
look forward to meeting you this year! Thank you!
Cindy Nelson, Scrip Coordinator...758-3530...email – ckbnelson@netzero.net
- SchoolCash.com
lets Patwin earn 10% or more of purchase amounts when you buy by
internet or phone from one of hundreds of merchants. Patwin even
earns money when you just surf through SchoolCash.com

Shop at a variety of stores and a portion of the sale will benefit