WELCOME from Bob Gonzalez,
RETIRED (June 2003!!!)
Music Educator, Holmes Jr. High School
Davis, CA
Since 1995,this site has been provided by the Davis Community Network (DCN).
Last edited 11/26/2009.
The dates will be listed chronologically,
and includes Elementary Bands and Orchestra, and High School and Jr. High Bands, Choirs and
Orchestras. It will eventually include Drama and Dance dates also.
We hope to also include a new Davis School Music and Arts calendar
Concert Band Requirements A listing of the First
Nine Weeks and Second Nine Weeks requirements for all incoming 7th Graders that I used in my teaching.
TCAP - The California Arts Project
The California Arts Project (TCAP) is the state's subject matter project in Visual and Performing Arts. TCAP's central mission is to deepen teachers' knowledge of dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. Use this site to find the Visual and Performing Arts Framework and Standards or to find a regional office near you.
Music Links on the Internet
The following is a list of some beneficial links for our students to view. (hr)
Teoria (Theory) A Music Theory Web site. It offers
- Tutorials * to learn about different aspects of music theory.
- Exercises * to practice and develop music theory and ear-training skills. The Interval Ear Training exercise can now use Bass Clef.
- References * Music Theory references, questions, articles, analysis and links in the World Wide Web. NEW: Bach: Fugue No.1 in C minor
- How to use the site
SAT Scores of Students in the Arts
Students of the arts continue to outperform their non-arts peers on the SAT, according to reports by the College Entrance Examination Board. The 2004 SAT scores are listed by the Fine Art classes and by the number of years students take them.
Last edited Aug. 30, 2003
This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.