Why the sudden statement of ownership?
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 07:11:39 -0800 
To: "Richard Amyx" ramyx@excite.com 
From: lkelso@teleport.com (Linda Kelso) 
Subject: International Election 
Cc: carolebell@compuserve.com, grzesiekw@magit.com.pl, graham.clinton@mcmail.com, halbfrosch@mind.gun.de, ian_hadley@csi.com 

Dear Dick, 

It has come to the attention of the International Election Committee that you are maintaining a web site related to the Mensa International Election. 

Some of us have visited the url: 


We believed this was Ian Hadley's web site and wrote to him to ask that he abide by the election rules about web sites. 

A few e-mails sorted out the fact that you have set up this web site. 

You may not be aware that this year's election rules require candidates or teams of candidates to have a disclaimer to appear on election-related web pages. The purpose is a matter of public relations.  We never know when a member of the general public may stumble onto one of our web pages. Mensa elections get right lively, as you well know, so we want to try, at least, to warn an innocent about what is going on. 

By separate e-mail, I've sent you a pdf copy of the election rules.  Please review Rule 5.6.  The rule specifies a candidate or team of candidates. However, I believe you have always had Mensa's best interests at heart, and will appreciate the reason why we required that disclaimer. 

If one goes directly to the url above, it certainly does appear to be Ian Hadley's web page.  Failure to have the disclaimer can make it appear that Ian is not adhering to the election rules. 

I hope you'll be willing to include the disclaimer on any pages about the election that you want to maintain. 

Thanks, Dick. 

Linda Kelso, Chairman 

International Election Committee 

From: "Richard Amyx" ramyx@excite.com 

To: "Linda Kelso" lkelso@teleport.com 
Cc: carolebell@compuserve.com, grzesiekw@magit.com.pl, graham.clinton@mcmail.com, halbfrosch@mind.gun.de, ian_hadley@csi.com, ramyx@excite.com 
Subject: Re: International Election 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:54:02 PST 

Dear Linda, 

I have reviewed the IEC's rules under "Rule 5. Obligations of Candidates," with particular attention to Rule 5.6. 

It would seem to me that, because I am neither a candidate nor a member of a "team," the IEC's rules do not apply to my web site. 

I have, nonetheless, in order to eliminate confusion and to assure that Ian Hadley is not held responsible for my web site, posted a prominent statement of ownership, which you may view at any time. 

If you have visited my web site recently, you may need to use the "Reload" or "Refresh" feature of your browser in order to see the statement of ownership. 

I trust that this action alleviates the IEC's concern. 

Best regards, 


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