Here is an initial, tentative list of proposals. I have not put them into any order of priority. As a practical matter, they have to be pressed forward opportunistically in accordance with the availability of appropriate resources.
- Law-making Trim ASIEs down to essentials. Limit AMC to making rules for itself, not for others
- Infrastructure: Bring the IT/Comm facilities up to date they're about five years out of date. Adopt a capital development budget for both improving office efficiency and better-utilizing volunteers. Make modern systems available to productive members according to need.
- Meetings: Use the Internet and WWW for conducting business. Limit travel to AG attendance and a budget-drafting weekend.. AMC meetings at RGs is not productive. Members can be kept better-informed by on-line attendance and access to "official" lists.
- Volunteers: Identify and co-opt members who can perform functions for the benefit of the society. Reward them as necessary and possible. Reserve professional staff for back-up and continuity
- SIGs: That there is a single term for special interest groups does not imply that they must/should be treated uniformly under a comprehensive set of rules. SIGs are diverse in their nature and potential for making special contributions to the society. They should be examined individually and, in selected cases, negotiated with.
- International Mensa: The International Constitution is incoherent and divisive. We should restore the original concept of Mensa as a transnational society of intelligent individuals dealing with one another above the heads of the politicians (V. Serebriakoff)
Diversity: The underlying theme of these policies will be to recognize the diversity of the members' values, skills, interests, and characters. We are all endowed with fine minds, but what we do with them and how we develop ways of reducing friction and getting along with one another is still unfinished business for all of us.
See: A Perverse Trajectory
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Created: 08 Oct 04
Revised:24 Jan
Adapted from: M-Pol/message/16539