Sacramento Dialogue is a program of Tinker's Coin Productions
Copyright © 2016 by Tinker’s Coin Productions  ·  All Rights reserved 
Sacramento Dialogue
Inviting connection, one conversation at a time.
Talib Huff has taught children and adults in various schools, museums, workshops, and conferences for the last 25 years on a variety of subjects. He is a Spacial Dynamics® Level I graduate, a certified Contemplative Dialogue trainer and a Dynamic Dialogue mentor and presenter. In addition to working for The Creative Edge as a facilitator, Talib works and volunteers at Christ the King Retreat Center as a retreat presenter.

Olivia Huff is a spiritual director, a graduate of the Contemplative Dialogue Practicum, and a Dynamic Dialogue mentor intern. As a Spacial Dynamics® movement therapist, she is been fascinated by the transformational possibilities of mindful movement and has led sessions in embodied prayer.  She has been known to have conversations with puppets and her husband at the same time!