Sacramento Dialogue is a program of Tinker's Coin Productions
Copyright © 2016 by Tinker’s Coin Productions · All Rights reserved
Sacramento Dialogue
Inviting connection, one conversation at a time.
Free teleseminars
Once a month we host a free teleseminar highlighting one aspect of how dialogue can be used in our daily lives. These teleseminars are always informative and a great way to learn how to use dialogue practices in real life situations. The teleseminars are recorded, so if you can't listen live, you can still hear it. But you have to resgister to get the link to the recording.
The Emerging Journey: Transforming the Path of Relationship
We are all in relationship. Even if you don’t have a life partner, there are family, friends, the people you pass on the street, everyone around you that you interact with on a daily basis. Not recognizing and tending these relationships leads to pain and conflict. When you come to a point where you feel the ache for something deeper, Sacramento Dialogue’s Emerging Journey programs can help you explore the vision and tools needed to develop and sustain healthy and thriving relationships. Evening, full day, and weekend programs are available.