Vashek Cervinka
Davis, CA 95618

Book Cover

Quietly Powerful and Thought Provoking

In this small, but quietly powerful, book, Cervinka and Slye present some short, yet hard-to-easily-answer, questions that can help you refocus your life to the things that are most important. All highly personal, introspective, and insightful, the questions make you think about who you are, what you believe in, and what you want from your life. They could serve as daily meditations or as weekly diary entries. From "What do I want to do next year?" to "How do I listen to the earth?," each question requires honest thought and not a trite answer. The colorful pictures of desert plants accompanying each question are a nice addition, and the book, while small, will provide many hours of important thought.

Sacramento Book Review
January 15, 2009

Book can be purchased (at $11.95) from:

(530) 758-2667 620 G St.
Davis, California 95616 USA

514 3rd Street, Davis, CA 95616
(530) 756-6247

Vashek Cervinka
(530) 400-4799

Author's Pic

Many of us walk through our lives without actually knowing what our purpose is. This becomes a burden and some of us seek an escape from the realities of daily life.

This book has 32 questions that could help us find greater sense and harmony in our lives. Read this book slowly, looking at only one question each day or week. Ponder it. After carefully answering one question, go on to the next one. Please answer each question thoughtfully.

We have chosen Joshua trees as illustrations. They seem like people to us, similar to one another, yet each possessing its own unique characteristics. Just as with people, there is unity and beauty in their diversity.

Thank you for reading this book. We hope that it has helped in your search for the meaning and beauty of life. Please share this book with your family and friends.