Assessment - Discover the assets and needs of organizations and communities. Systematically incorporate community voices with new and existing data. Produce clear, usable reports.
Research - Conduct and implement research studies, surveys, and focus groups. |
Strategic and sustainability planning - Design programs to meet community needs and outcomes. Clarify priorities for collaborative and organizational goals and activities. Identify funding sources and ways to build the internal capacity and community support needed to accomplish goals.
Evaluation - Identify, gather, and interpret critical information for program excellence. Establish quantitative and qualitative accountability and evaluation plans. Employ custom and norm-referenced standardized instruments to capture the impact of services.
Internal capacity building - Analyze organizations strengths and needs in the areas of governance and board development, partner relationships, organizational structure, accountability systems, short- and long-term planning, human resources, and communications.
Financial management for non-profits - Provide support for sound administrative and financial management, reasonable budgets, successful fund raising, and long-term financial planning.
Meeting facilitation - Ensure that meetings are engaging, have appropriate structure and accomplish the intended purposes.
Training and professional development - Tailor curriculum design and delivery across all of our service areas, from community engagement and sustainability planning to outcome accountability systems and evaluation design.
Reporting - Distill and disseminate organizational knowledge and research findings through evaluation reports, case studies, and needs assessments.