Shop. Center

Eight Street Corridor Improvement Project

The DMNC shopping center committee partnered with the city of Davis to host a meeting among committee members and tenants to
- review history of DMNC spearheaded shopping center improvement efforts
- plan a "lighting ceremony" to celebrate recent improvements (see below)
- discuss how to better work together to continue to improve the center

It was a GREAT meeting. The tenants were super appreciative of our efforts and want to meet with us a few times a year to develop relationships and share info.

The lighting ceremony was December 2nd. There was hot apple cider thanks to the Symposium Restaurant, egg rolls from Red Orchid Restaurant and a few celebratory speakers.

The link below is info shared at the meeting that jesikah helped put together (history stuff).

DMNC Merchant Meeting Notes

If you missed the lighting ceremony, you can listen to a few speakers and watch the lighting count down.

Judy deCesare

Bob Dunning

Ruth Asmundson

Lighting Ceremony Count Down:

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