The Davis Manor Neighborhood extends from L to Pole Line, between Fifth
Street and Eighth Street.
To subscribe or to visit the list archives, visit the DMNC listserv information
List Groundrules
1. Send
everything as plain text, do not use formatting such as bold, italic,
or font.
2. Do not send attachments with your email. Do not send photos, maps,
executable files, or any other non-text material to the list directly.
3. Be sure to include your name and email address/signature below your
4. Do not send copyrighted material directly to the list without the author/publisher's
permission. You can send a short description along with the web address
for on-line newspaper and magazine articles.
5. DO NOT SEND FLAMES to the list. Send them directly to the person you
have the problem with. Messages to the list should be respectful and polite.
Remember, flames on a list are universally disliked and the person sending
the flame is more looked down upon than the original poster being attacked.
If you want to disagree with someone that's fine but do it in a friendly
manner, or do it off the list.
6. Explicit advertising messages are SPAM and unfortunately are difficult
to totally stop. If/When SPAM hits this list, DO NOT RESPOND to the list!!
There are plenty of on line guides for how to respond effectively. But
if you respond to the list, it just duplicates the original problem the
Spam caused.
7. Don't post off-subject messages to the list.
to make your posts more effective and useful
1. Write
a short 3-8 word subject that describes what you are writing about.
2. When responding to someone else's email, use the same subject line
but do not leave in all of the other person's message. Delete all but
the relevant passage to remind readers what you are referring to. If your
new information and insight isn't near the top of your message, many people
will delete without reading.
3. Before sending your message to the list, especially if it is in response
to another person's posting, wait for a second and consider whether it
should be sent directly to an individual and not to the list. Lists can
decay when too many people send mail of interest only to a few.