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A Pastoral (Bucolic) Sunday Visit.
(An invitation for a Visit to my Ophthalmologist.)
Hello dear Carmine et al.
The weather will be marvelous tomorrow and I am free
To interact with my fellow Homo sapiens.
Please come, the two of you, and enjoy some time together.
You all will be here on Terra Firma in perpetuity,
But I may have just the 'blink of an eye' remaining!
(No medical talk tomorrow--just praising that of having the visual ability
To swoon with the exquisit sights all around us,
Some of which I will humbly interpret for you.)
Seriously, I will relate to no superior
That you have entered my territory--neither mental nor geographic.
It would give me such pleasure to spend a few moments with you
In the freedom of my territory, which I have defended
And made productive for the nation and the world.
I invite you as your devoted and steadfast patient. Frank.
Frank Maurer 20 April 2024
1910 and 2210 Hours.

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