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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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Are We in Climate Reversal with AI?

AI has now come into our lives--for better or worse.
The number of data centers
Have nearly doubled in the last 5 years.
This means greenhouse gas emissions
Generally have almost doubled in those 5 years.
This also manifests that, all the plans
'Of mice and men' concerning the Climate Crisis
Are severely challenged and have changed
The whole carbon waste calculations.
A single 'ask' to our 'Chat' requires the power
For one light bulb for 20 minutes!
The use of the internet requires a pittance compared to AI.
And all those data centers in the world now humming
Use as much electricity per year as all of Italy!
The goal of Google and others is to build ever bigger,
Finally reaching the level of supercomputers
With their huge electricity consumption,
Which will produce ever more CO2 emissions
Increasing the Climate Crisis effect.
Could Google's pledge of net zero emissions by 2030 now ever be met?
Their latest quote is cleverly announced as "reducing emissions may be
So, where does that leave us, the common person who just wants to breathe?

Frank Maurer 14 July 2024 1945 Hours.

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