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Awake, Neanderthal
You have migrated to a new time zone.
Our genome is shared with cousins Neanderthal and Denisovan.
Neanderthals migrated out of Africa to the north,
Then splitting into Denisovans moving east.
By going north, the Neanderthal genome mutated to cope with new conditions,
Including viruses and disease challenges in their new environment.
Before the Neanderthal disappeared 40,000 years ago,
They encountered a cousin species,
Homo sapiens--us, also moving out of Africa.
Some of each group took a liking to each other and created a Homo mix!
Neanderthals infected sapiens with some viruses,
But also passed on genetic defences.
Both Neanderthals and Denisovans passed on genes
Which influenced appetite and metabolism.
But they also shared genetic defenses.
Both Neanderthals and Denisovans passed on genes
Which influenced appetite and metabolism.
They also shared genetic variants which affected sleep--
This, because of new varying day and seasonal times in the north.
Proteins in our cells rise and fall in a 24 hour cycle,
Controlling both slumbering times and when one wakes.
It appears that those of us who have inherited a certain array,
Seem to wake up earlier than those who comfortably snooze later.
So much to contemplate when we start to consider
Just exactly from where we come and who we really are!
Frank Maurer 1 January 2024
1640 Hours.

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