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Poems and Thoughts    by Frank Maurer

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Robert Burns, the Day after His Birthday.

Robert Burns, the great Scottish Poet.
His birthday was yesterday and I almost forgot--25 January 1759.
So sad, I would momentarily forget a fellow Scot.
But what a rush, when I suddenly recalled.
Of course he wrote beautiful love poems.
Such as 'My Luve is like a Red Red Rose;
But do you realize he wrote an ode to George Washington?
This, of course, was during the British/American Revolution!
('Could have been in great trouble.)
He also wrote another, praising the French Revolution!
('Again, potential trouble.)
Of course, there's too, the ode To a Mouse and Address to the Haggis.

Goodness, how could I have ever forgot--even for a moment--
Such an important, creative and vital poet?

Frank Maurer 26 January 2023 1245 PM.

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