Poems and Thoughts by Frank Maurer
4 January 1980, Sacramento, California.My second son, after Pierre, was Basil Gavin.Unlike his brother born in Africa, Basil was an urban-birthed baby, born in Sacramento. To carry on custom and that to which we were used to, We found a hospital that conducted 'home births' with backup! The young doctor was bearded and a bit Bohemian. Thus, I offered to pay part of the expense with a butchered sheep! He accepted and the moment finally came. Pierre had been a breech, resulting in a Cesarean; Basil would be a 'normal' birth--whatever that means. As with Pierre, things got a little complex. Forceps were needed to bring him out. (Otherwise, nothing else unusual was required!) After a time of recuperation, we all came home-- Once again, on our farm in Davis, Basil was snuggled by a wood stove in the living room. That's where life began and went on for many years-- A pastoral life, blended with remembrances of a former African experience. |
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